PhD Project

Effects of housing and feed on growth and efficiency of production of Acheta domesticus (L) and Gryllus bimaculatus for sustainable commercial cricket production in the lake Victoria region, Kenya

Mary A. OrindaMs Mary A. Orinda
MSc. Agricultural & Applied Economics

Mary Akinyi Orinda is a graduate of Egerton University, Faculty of Agriculture, with a MSc. in Agricultural & Applied Economics and a Bachelor of Agribusiness Management. Her research undertaking in Masters involved sweet potato value addition among small scale farmers. Mary’s research passion is in the area of Agribusiness and Food Security.

Small scale subsistence farming which is predominant in the Lake Victoria region is the major cause of food insecurity and low income among the farmers in this region. The research aims to create new interests in the role of insects as a diet and subsequently stimulate insect consumption nation-wide and promote edible cricket farming. The research is likely to provide valuable lessons for further promotion of entomophagy in Kenya as well as generation of information and education on proper cricket farming practices. The promotion of cricket consumption is envisaged to help combat malnutrition, alleviate food insecurity and generate new sources of income in the region. The project will specifically assess the suitability of different rearing cages, identify the most cost effective local feed sources and their effect on cricket growth rate and finally generate the gross margin for largescale cricket production.


Prof. Monica Ayieko, Prof. Reuben Mosi and Prof. Fred Amimo