Peer-reviewed publications
Peer-reviewed articles, technical briefs, PhD thesis, conference presentations and public appearances.
Kipkoech C, Kinyuru JN, Imathiu S, Roos N (2017) Use of house cricket to address food security in Kenya: Nutrient and chitin composition of farmed crickets as influenced by age. African Journal of Africultural Research, 12(44), 3189-3197.
Magara, H.J.O., Tanga, C.M., Ayieko, M.A., Hugel, S., Mohamed, S.A., Khamis, F.M., Salifu, D., Niassy, S., Sevgan, S., Fiaboe, K.K.M., Roos, N., Ekesi, S. (2019). Performance of newly described native edible cricket Scapsip edus icipe (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) on various diets of relevance for farming. Journal of Economic Entomology, toy 397.
Tanga, C.M., Magara, H.J.O., Ayieko, M.A., Copeland, R.S., Khamis, F.M., Mohamed, S.A., Ombura, F.L.O., Niassy, S., Sevgan, S., Fiaboe, K.K.M., Roos, N., Ekesi, S., Hugel, S. (2018). A new edible cricket species from Africa of the genus Scapsipedus. Zootaxa 4486 (3):383-392.
Kinyuru J.N, Kipkoech C, (2018). Production and growth parameters of edible crickets: experiences from a farm in a high altitude, cooler region of Kenya. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed: 4 (4) - Pages: 247 - 251
Tanga, C.M.; Magara, H.J.O.; Ayieko, M.A.; Copeland, R.S.; Khamis, F.M.; Mohamed, S.A.; Umbura, F.O.; Niassy, S.; Subramanian, S.; Foaboe, K.K.M.; Roos, N.; Ekesi, S.; Hugel, S. (2018). A new edible cricket species from Africa of the genus Scapsipedus. I: Zootaxa, Bind 4486, Nr. 3, 2018, s. 383-392.
Halloran, A. (2018). The social impacts of using black soldier flies for bioconversion: a preliminary assessment from South Africa. GREEiNSECT: Insects for Green Economy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Pambo, K., Mbeche, R.M., Okello, J.J., Mose, G.N., Kinyuru, J.N. (2018). Intentions to consume foods from edible insects and the prospects for transforming the ubiquitous biomass into food. Agriculture and Human Values, pp.1-14.
Pambo, K., Okello, J.J., Mbeche, R.M., Kinyuru, J.N. (2018). Means end chain approach explains motivations to consume insect-based foods: The case of cricket scones in Kenya. Book Chapter in "Edible Insects in Sustainable Food Systems". ed. / Afton Halloran; Roberto Flore; Paul Vantomme; Nanna Roos. Cham : Springer, 2018. p. 363-374.
Alemu, M.H. and Olsen, S.B. (2018). Kenayan consumers' experience of using edible insects as food and their preferences for selected insect-based food products. Book Chapter in "Edible Insects in Sustainable Food Systems". ed. / Afton Halloran; Roberto Flore; Paul Vantomme; Nanna Roos. Cham : Springer, 2018. p. 363-374.
Kinyuru, J.N., Nyangena, D., Kamau, E., Ndiritu, A., Muniu, J., Kipkoech, C., Weru, J., Ndung'u, N., Mmari, M. (2018). The role of edible insects in diets and nutrition in East Africa. Book Chapter in "Edible Insects in Sustainable Food Systems". ed. / Afton Halloran; Roberto Flore; Paul Vantomme; Nanna Roos. Cham : Springer, 2018. p. 93-108.
Alemu, M.H. and Olsen, S.B. (2018). Linking Consumers’ Food Choice Motives to their Preferences for Insect‐based Food Products: An Application of Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Model in an African Context. Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Alemu, M.H. and Olsen, S.B. (2018). Can a Repeated Opt-Out Reminder mitigate hypothetical bias in discrete choice experiments? An application to consumer valuation of novel food products. European Review of Agricultural Economics, jby009,
Pambo, K., Okello, J.J., Mbeche, R.M., Kinyuru, J.N., Alemu, M.H. (2018). The role of product information on consumer sensory evaluation, expectations, experience and emotions of cricket-flour buns. Food Research International 2018. Volume 106. April 2018, Pages 532-541.
Roos, N. and van Huis, A. (2017). Consuming insects: Are there health benefits? Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 3(4), 2017., pp. 225-229.
Orinda, M. A., Mosi, R.O., Ayieko, M.A., Amimo, F.A. (2017). Effects of housing on growth performance of common house cricket (Acheta domesticus) and field cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus). Journal of Entomology and Zoology 2017; 5(5): 1138:1142.
Orinda, M. A., Mosi, R.O., Ayieko, M.A., Amimo, F.A. (2017). Growth performance of Common house cricket (Acheta domesticus) and field cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus) crickets fed on agro-byproducts. Journal of Entomology and Zoology 2017; 5(6): 1664-1668.
Pambo, K. O., Okello, J.J., Mbeche, R.M., Kinyuru, J.N. (2017). Exploring the influence of differentiated nutrition information on consumers' mental models regarding foods from edible insects: A means-end chain analysis. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 56, 2017 - Issue 6, pp. 530-551.
Nyankeri, E.M., Ogola, H.J.O., Ayieko, M.A., Amimo, F.A. (2017). Valorisation of organic waste material: growth perfomance of wild black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) reared on different organic wastes. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 3 (3). pp.: 193-202. Doi:
Belluco, S., Halloran, A., Ricci, A. (2017). New protein sources and food legislation: the case of edible insects and EU law. Food Secuity (2017), Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 803-814. DOI 10.1007/s12571-017-0704-0
Alemu, M.H., Olsen, S.B., Vedel, S.E., Kinyuru, J.N., Pambo, K.O. (2017). Can insects increase food security in developing countries? An analysis of Kenyan consumer preferences and demand for cricket flour buns. Food Security (2017), Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 471-484. doi:10.1007/s12571-017-0676-0
Halloran, A., Hanboonsong, Y., Roos, N., Bruun, S. (2017). Life cycle assessment of cricket farming in north-eastern Thailand. Journal of Cleaner Production 1569 (2017) 83-94.
Homann, A.M., Ayieko, M.A., Konyole, S.O., Roos, N. (2017). Acceptability of biscuits containing 10% cricket (Acheta domesticus) compared to milk biscuits among 5-10 year-old Kenyan schoolchildren. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed (in press) DOI 10.3920/JIFF2016.0054
Nyakeri, E.M., Ogola, H.J., Ayieko, M.A., Amimo, F.A. (2017). An open system for farming black soldier fly larvae as a source of proteins for smallscale poultry and fish production. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed: 3(1)- Pages: 51-56. DOI:
Alemu, M.H., Olsen, S.B., Vedel, S.E., Pambo, K.O. (2017). Combining product attributes with recommendation and shopping location attributes to assess consumer preferences for insect-based products. Food Quality and Preference 55 (2017) 45-57. DOI:
Pambo, K., Mbeche, R.M., Okello, J.J., Kinyuru, J.N., Mose, G.N. (2016). Consumers' salient beliefs regarding foods from edible insects in Kenya: A qualitative study using concepts from the theory of planned behaviour. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development; Vol. 16, No. 4, 2016. DOI:10.18697/ajfand.76.16810
Ayieko, M.A., Ogola, H.J. and Ayieko, J.A. (2016). Introducing rearing crickets (gryllids) at household levels: adoption, processing and nutritional values. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 2 (3): 203-211. DOI:
Alemu M.H., Olsen S., Vedel, S.E., Kinyuru, J., Pambo, K.O. (2016). Combining product attributes with recommendation and shopping location attributes to assess consumer preferences for insect-based food products. Food Quality and Preference Volume 55, January 2017, Pages 45–57
Halloran, A., Roos, N., Eilenberg, J., Cerutti, A., Bruun, S. (2016). Life cycle assessment of edible insects for food protein : a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development Vol. 36, No. 4, 57, 2016. DOI
Halloran, A. M. S., Roos, N., Hanboonsong, Y. (2016). Cricket farming as a livelihood strategy in Thailand. Geographical Journal. DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12184
Halloran A., Roos N., Flore R., Hanboonsong Y. (2016) The development of the edible cricket industry in Thailand. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 2(2): 91-100.
Alemu M.H., Olsen S., Vedel, S.E., Kinyuru, J., Pambo, K.O. (2016). Integrating sensory evaluations in incentivized discrete choice experiments to assess consumer demand for cricket flour buns in Kenya. IFRO Working paper No 2016/02, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Naukkarinen, M. (2016). Edible insects for improved food and nutrition security at Kakuma refugee camp. Master thesis in human nutrition. University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science. Denmark. pp. 69.
Alemu, M.H., Olsen, S., Vedel, S.E., Pambo, K.O., Owino, V.O. (2015). Consumer acceptance and willingness to pay for edible insects as food in Kenya: the case of white winged termites. IFRO Working paper No 2015/10, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Evans, J., Alemu, M., Flore, R., Frøst, M.B., Halloran, A., Jensen, A.B., Maciel Vergara, G., Meyer-Rochow, V.B., Münke-Svendsen, C., Olsen, S.B., Payne, C., Roos, N., Rozin, P., Tan, H.S.G., van Huis, A., Vantomme, P., Eilenberg, J. (2015). Entomophagy" : an evolving terminology in need of review. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed; 1 (4): 293-305 (2015) 'Entomophagy': an evolving terminology in need of review. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1 (4): 293-305.DOI:
Halloran, A., Vantomme, P., Hanboonsong, Y., Ekesi, S. (2015) Regulating entomophagy: the challenge of addressing food security, nature conservation, and the erosion of traditional food culture, Food Security, 7 (3), p. 739-746. DOI: 10.1007/s12571-015-0463-8
Homann, A.M. (2015). Acceptability of cricket-based biscuits and assessment of gut microbiota composition in schoolchildren. A study in Bondo, Kenya. Master thesis in human nutrition. Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. pp71.
Halloran A., Flores R., Mercier C. (2015) Notes from the ‘Insects in a Gastronomic Context’ workshop in Bangkok, Thailand. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1 (3), p- 1-4. DOI:
Finke M.D., Rojo, S., Roos, N., van Huis, A., Yen, A.L. (2015) The European Food Safety Authority scientific opinion on a risk profile related to production and consumption of insects as food and feed (editorial). Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1(4): 245-247. DOI:
Halloran, A., Münke, C., Vantomme, P., Reade, B., Evans, J. (2015) Broadening insect gastronomy. Sustainable Food, Beverage & Gastronomy, Routledge (peer-reviewed book chapter).
GREEiNSECT is producing a range of Technical Briefs about some of the key aspects insects as food and feed in Kenya.
Münke-Svendsen, C., Ekesi, S., Ayieko, M., Kinyuru, J., Halloran, A., Makkar, H., Roos, N (2016). Insects as food and feed in Kenya - past, current and future perspectives. Greeinsect Technical Brief #1. Copenhagen, Denmark. | |
Münke-Svendsen, C., Halloran, A., Orina, M.A., Oloo, J.A., Magara, H.J.O., Manyara, N.E., Ayieko, M.A., Ekesi, S., Roos, N. (2017). Insect production systems for food and feed in Kenya. GREEiNSECT Technical Brief #2. Copenhagen, Denmark. | |
Münke-Svendsen, C., Alemu, M.H., Olsen, S.B., Pambo, K., Roos, N. (2017). Kenyan consumers' preferences, attitudes and intentions to consume insect-based food products. GREEiNSECT Technical Brief #3. Copenhagen, Denmark | |
Münke-Svendsen,C., Flore, R., Halloran, A., Ayieko, M.A., Roos, N. (2017). Edible insect gastronomy in Kenya. GREEiNSECT Technical Brief #4. Copenhagen, Denmark. | |
Münke-Svendsen, C., Kipkoech, C., Kinyuru, J., Ayieko, M.A., Homan, A., Roos, N. (2017) Nutritional properties of insects for food in Kenya. GREEiNSECT Technical Brief #5. Copenhagen, Denmark. | |
Münke-Svendsen, C., Halloran, A., Roos, N., Ekesi, S., Fiaboe, K., Ayieko, M.A., Kinyuru, J. (2018) Kenyan policy and legislative environment for insects as food and feed. GREEiNSECT Technical Brief #6. Copenhagen, Denmark. |
PhD thesis connected to the project GREEINSECT
Mary Akinyi Orinda: Effects Of Housing and Feed on Growth and Efficiency of Production of Acheta Domesticus (L) and Gryllus Bimaculatus for Sustainable Commercial Cricket Production in the Lake Victoria Region, Kenya. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST).
Nyakeri Evans Manyara: Identification of Feeding Substrates and Optimization of Production of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia Illucens, L) for Fish Feed Formulation. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST).
Kennedy Otieno Pambo (2018) Assessment of Consumer Attitudes and Motivation to Consume Foods from Edible Insects: The case of Cricket-Flour Buns. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya.
AlAlemu, M.H. (2017) Consumer preference and demand for insect-based food products in developing countries. Empericial perspectives on consumer heterogenity, tasting experience, peer influence and value elicitation methods. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Halloran, A. (2017) The impact of cricket farming on rural livelihoods, nutrition and the enviroment in Thailand and Kenya. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
The GREEiNSECT PhD students and partners are participating in a range of conferences and fora to present their work either as conference speaker of by presenting posters. Here you will find where they have shared their work.
Roos, N. (2018). Potentials and barriers for insect farming in Kenya. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Halloran, A. (2018). Life cycle assessment of insect production systems: lessons learned and the way forward. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Kinyuru, J.N., Kibuku, P., Ayieko, M.A., Naukkarinnen, M., Roos, N. (2018). Cricket farming for food security in refugee settings: a pilot study in Kakuma, Kenya. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Kinyuru, J.N. (2018). Promoting consumption of edible insects: a Kenyan perspective. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Ayieko, M.A. (2018). Review of past and current status of insects for food and feed in Kenya: reintroducing entomophagy. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Magara, H.J.O, Tanga, C.M., Hugel, S., Mohamed, S.A., Khamis, F.M., Ayieko, M.A., Salifu, D., Niassy, S.,
Subramanian, S., Fiaboe, K.K.M., N. Roos, N., Ekesi, S. (2018). Effect of rearing substrates on the fitness parameters of newly recorded edible cricket Scapsipedus marginatus in Kenya. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Orinda, M.A., Mosi, R.O., Ayieko, M.A., Amimo,F.A., Nchimbi, H.Y. (2018). Technical efficiency of a cricket farm in Kenya. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Halloran, A. (2018). Insect farming: a socially sustainable component of the agricultural sector? Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Maciel-Vergara, G., Tanga, C.M., Aoko, E., Ekesi, S., Jensen, A.B., van Loon, J.J.A., van Lent, J.W.M., Eilenberg, J., van Oers, M.M. (2018). A bacterial pathogen in cricket farming: identification, biology, and suggestions on how to control it. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Nyakeri, E.M., Amimo, F.A., Ayieko, M.A., Hamed, S. (2018). Optimal feeding strategy of the BSF larvae for biomass production and organic waste reduction in Kenya. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Kipkoech, C., Konyole, S., Imathiu, S., Roos, N., Kinyuru, J.N. (2018). Can cricket-based porridge improve nutritional status of school children in Kenya – a randomized controlled trial. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Kinyuru, J.N. (2018). Nutritional contribution of insects to improve diets in Kenya: from known to unknown. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Olsen, S.B. and Alemu, M. (2018) Kenyan consumer’s preferences, willingness to pay, and potential demand for
insect-based food products. Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Kipkoech, C., Imathiu, S., Roos, N., Kinyuru, J.N. (2018). Prebiotics potential of chitin derived from farmed crickets: a gateway to improved gut health? Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Orinda, M.A., Mosi, R.O., Ayieko, M.A., Amimo,F.A. (2018). Growth performance of house cricket (A. domesticus) and field cricket (G. bimaculatus) fed on agro-by-products Presented at the 2nd International Conference "Insects to feed the world". May 15-18, 2018 Wuhan, China.
Alemu, M.H. (2017). Can a Repeated Opt-Out Reminder remove hypothetical bias in discrete choice experiments? An application for consumer valuation of novel food products. Presented at International Choice Modeling Conference, South Africa, Cape Town, April 3 – 5, 2017.
Halloran, A. (2017). When are edible insects sustainable. Oral presentation at Parabere Forum, 5 March 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
Alemu, M.H. (2016). Can a Repeated Opt-Out Reminder remove hypothetical bias in discrete choice experiments? An application for consumer valuation of novel food products. Presented at European Association of Agricultural Economists Seminar, Spain, Barcelona, June 30 – July 1, 2016.
Pambo, K.O., Mbeche, R.M., Okello, J.J., Kinyuru, J.N. (2016). Edible insects versus undernutrition: Modelling cognitive determinants of intentions to consume foods from edible insects” Seventh European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, 11 - 14 September 2016 | Dijon, France.
Pambo, K.O., Mbeche, R.M., Okello, J.J., Kinyuru, J.N. (2016). Modelling cognitive determinants of the intentions to consume foods from edible insects: An application of the theory of planned behaviour. Paper prepared for Presentation at the Seventh European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, 11 - 14 September 2016, Dijon, France.
Pambo, K.O., Okello, J.J., Mbeche, R.M., Kinyuru, J.N. (2016). Just-about-right scales explain cricket-flour scones’ sensory liking. Poster prepared for Presentation at the Seventh European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, 11 - 14 September 2016, Dijon, France.
Pambo, K.O., Okello, J.J., Mbeche, R.M., Kinyuru, J.N. (2016). Consumer Acceptance of Edible Insect’ Foods for Non-Meat Protein in Western Kenya. Paper prepared for Presentation at the 5th African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) Conference at the United Nations Conference Center, Addis Ababa-Ethiopia: September 23-26, 2016.
Kipkoech C., Roos, N., Imathiu S. and Kinyuru J.N. (2016). Nutrient composition of farmed crickets (Acheta domesticus) as influenced by age: 7th Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference-Marrakesh, Morocco.
Kinyuru, J.N. (2016). Edible insects for food and Nutrition security: Experiences and on-going initiatives. Seminar, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania 7th July 2016 Morogoro, Tanzania. Oral Presentation
Halloran, A. and Eilenberg, J. (2016). Insects as human food: new ideas and biological solutions on their way to be realized. Future Earth Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark
Kipkoech C., Roos, N., Imathiu S. and Kinyuru, J.N. (2016). Use of edible insects to improve child nutrition in Kenya: Kenya institute of food science and technology annual conference, Nairobi, Kenya.
Nyakeri, E.M., Ayieko, M.A., Ogola, H. J. O, Amimo, F.A. (2016). Identification of feeding substrates for black soldier fly larvae production. The 2016 Eastern African Multidisciplinary Annual Research Conference (EAMARC 3) at USIU-Africa, Nairobi on 15-17, November 2016. Oral presentation
Magara, H.J.O., Tanga, C.M., Ayieko, M.A., Salifu, D., Fiaboe, K.K.M and Ekesi, S. (2016). Developmental and Reproductive Fitness of the Edible Cricket Acheta domesticus L. (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) on Different Food Substrates: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), annual Governing council conference 24th October 2016, Nairobi, Kenya.
Ndiritu, A., Kinyuru, J.N., Mwangi, K., Njihia, P. (2016). Optimization of protein extraction from edible crickets (Acheta domesticus) powder Kenya. Institute of Food Science and Technology. Conference. 1st June 2016, Nairobi, Kenya. Poster
Halloran, A., Roos, N., Hanboonsong, Y. (2 March 2016). Cricket farming, an alternative livelihood strategy: learning from Thailand. Poster presentation at International Conference on Legislation and Policy on the Use of Insects as Food and Feed in East Africa, The Vic Hotel, Kisumu, Kenya.
Kipkoech, C., Roos, N., Imathiu, S., Kinyuru, J.N. (2 March 2016). Cricket-based diet for improved nutrition in Kenya. Poster presentation at International Conference on Legislation and Policy on the Use of Insects as Food and Feed in East Africa, The Vic Hotel, Kisumu, Kenya.
Ndiritu, A., Kinyuru, J.N., Mwangi, K., Njihia, P. (2016). Proximate and physical characteristics of cricket powder from Thailand (Acheta domesticus). International Conference on Legislation and Policy on the Use of Insect as Food and Feed in East Africa, 2-3 March 2016. Kisumu, Kenya. Poster presentation.
Kamau, E., Kinyuru, J.N., Mutungi, C., Imathiu, S. (2016). Physio-chemical stability of selected fresh and semi-processed edible insects oils. International Conference on Legislation and Policy on the Use of Insect as Food and Feed in East Africa, 2-3 March 2016. Kisumu, Kenya. Poster presentation.
Kamau, E., Kinyuru, J.N., Mutungi, C., Imathiu, S. (2016). Influence of preliminary processing on the chemical and microbial quality of selected edible insects. International Conference on Legislation and Policy on the Use of Insect as Food and Feed in East Africa, 2-3 March 2016. Kisumu, Kenya. Poster presentation.
Muniu, J., Kinyuru, J.N., Kyallo, F., Ayieko, M. (2016). Influence of systematic disensitization and selective exposure model on the acceptability of processed products of domesticated crickets (Acheta domesticus). International Conference on Legislation and Policy on the Use of Insect as Food and Feed in East Africa, 2-3 March 2016. Kisumu, Kenya. Poster presentation.
Nyakeri, E.M., Ogola, J.H., Amimo, F.A., Ayieko, M.A. (2016). Assessing the efficacy of different organic substrates for Black Soldier Fly Larvae Production. International Conference on Legislation and Policy on the Use of Insect as Food and Feed in East Africa, 2-3 March 2016. Kisumu, Kenya. Poster presentation.
Pambo, K., Mbeche, R., Okello, J., Mose, G., Kinyuru, J.N. (2016). Focused Group Approach Investigates Consumers’ Salient Beliefs on Foods From Edible Insects (FEI). International Conference on Legislation and Policy on the Use of Insect as Food and Feed in East Africa, 2-3 March 2016. Kisumu, Kenya. Poster presentation.
Orinda, M.A., Amimo, F.A., Mosi, R.O., Ayieko, M.A. (2016) Growth Performance of Acheta domesticus and Gryllus bimaculatus Crickets fed on different Agro-byproducts. International Conference on Legislation and Policy on the Use of Insect as Food and Feed in East Africa, 2-3 March 2016. Kisumu, Kenya. Poster presentation.
Magara, H.J.O., Ayieko, M.A., Tanga, C.M. and Ekesi, S. (2016). The effect of food substrates on the development and survivorship of House cricket: Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in Kenya. International Conference on Legislation and Policy on the Use of Insect as Food and Feed in East Africa, 2-3 March 2016. Kisumu, Kenya. Poster presentation.
Flore, R. and Halloran, A. (2015). Los insectos, la conceptualización de un product. Seminar at Basque Culinary Centre, 16 December 2015, San Sebastian, Basque Country.
Kinyuru, J.N. (2015). Insects As A Novel Food And Feed Source In Kenya: Current initiatives, constraints and opportunities. Seminar, Makerere University, Uganda 20th November 2015. Kampala, Uganda. Oral Presentation.
Halloran, A. (2015). GREEiNSECT in Denmark and Kenya. Oral presentation at Change the Food, Save the World International Conference, 9 October 2015, Lodi, Italy.
Halloran, A. and Flore, R. (2015). Edible Insects: Novel or Novelty? Oral presentation at Terra Madre Giovani – We Feed the Planet, Slow Food International, 4 October 2015, Milan, Italy.
Flore, R and Halloran, A. (2015). Taste as an Argument for Edible Insects. Oral presentation at What will we be eating in 2015? European Parliament Press Conference, 30 September 2015, Brussels, Belgium.
Alemu, M.H. (2015). Consumer acceptance and willingness to pay for edible insects as food in Kenya. Paper presented at “Det Miljøøkonomiske Råds Konference (The Danish Environmental Economic Council conference)”, Copenhagen 27-28 August, 2015
Halloran, A., Flore, R., Hanboonsong, Y. (2015). What determines the success of the edible cricket industry in Thailand? Asian Dynamics Institute Annual Conference, 25 June 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Halloran, A. (2015). The nutritional and environmental aspects of edible insects. Oral presentation at Insects in a Gastronomic Context workshop, Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School, 19 February 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
Nyakeri, E.M., Ayieko, M.A., Ogola, H.J.O., Amimo, F.A. (2015). Cultivation of Black Soldier Fly larvae (Hermetia illucens, L) on selected agricultural wastes for livestock feed. 1st JOOUST International Scientific Conference held at the University Main Campus in June, 2015.
Orinda, M.A., Ayieko, M.A., Mosi, R.O., Amimo F.A. (2015). Effects of environmental factors on the behavior of crickets raised in a tunnel unit. 1st JOOUST International Scientific Conference held at the University Main Campus in June, 2015.
Roos, N, Owino, V., Kinyuru, J., Ekesi, S., Courtwright, G., Drew, D., Hanboonsong, Y., Vantomme, P., Chamnan, C., Olsen, S.B., Jensen, A.B., Ayieko, M.A. (2014). GREEiNSECT: a multidisciplinary research project on potentials and barriers for insect-farming for food and feed in Kenya. Abstract and presentation presented at the first conference on Insects to feed the world, 14 - 17 May 2014, Ede, The Netherlands.
Halloran, A., Vantomme, P., Münke, C. (2014). The role of the FAO in assisting countries to develop regulatory frameworks to include insects in food and feed sectors. Abstract and presentation presented at the first conference on Insects to feed the world, 14 - 17 May 2014, Ede, The Netherlands.
Kinyuru, J.N., Konyole, S.O., Roos, N., Onyango, C.A., Owino, V.O., Owuor, B.,
Estambale, B.B., Kenji, G.M. (2014). Nutrient composition of four species of winged termites consumed in Western Kenya. Abstract and presentation presented at the first conference on Insects to feed the world, 14 - 17 May 2014, Ede, The Netherlands.
Alemu, M.H. and Olsen, S.B. (2014). Willingness to pay for new food products from insect protein: Initial evidence from a choice experiment study in Kenya. Abstract and presentation presented at the first conference on Insects to feed the world, 14 - 17 May 2014, Ede, The Netherlands.
Halloran, A. (2014.) Lo Sviluppo di Quardi Normativi per Reglomentare L’Utilizzo di Insetti Come Alimento Umano ed Animale. Round table presentation at Salone International della Ricerca Innovazione e Sicurezza Alimentare: Nutrire il Pianeta con Nuove Fonti Sostenibili – L’insetto nel Piatto. 16 October 2014, Milan, Italy
GREEiNSECTS Project leader Nanna Roos gives a lecture on Insects as Food and Feed. (In Danish)
Dr. Nanna Roos gives a talk at TEDxCopenhagen about insects for food and feed in the future.
GREEiNSECT PhD student and Nordic Food Lab Head Chef Roberto Flore give a talk at TEDxLUISS (Italy) about traditions of insect consumption, ecosystems, livelihoods and insects in gastronomy.
The GREEiNSECT project and its studies are featured in national (Danish) and worldwide news. Find the articles about our work here
Canada: National Post: Crickets over chickens: First study of its kind shows that farming insects for food is sustainable
United Kingdom: BCC RADIO: The appeal of insect farming
France: Le Devoir: Des chefs qui font mouche. Prendriez-vous un peu de crevettes de terre?
Australia: Cosmos Magazine: Why crickets are on the menu in the 21st century
Danmarks Radio: Fårekyllinger bedre for milljøetend kyllinger
Fødevarewatch: Fødevareproduktion: Kryb og kravl er bedre for miljøet
Landbrugsavisen: Ny undersøgelse: Seksbenede husdyr belaster miljøet mindre Så meget bedre er det for miljøet at spise insekter
Nanna Roos
Associate professor